

  • Im looking for protein powder recommendations too! Esp a brand that costco carries. (or not if healthier options !)
  • I am also in grad school. Working PT. With 4 year old twins. What is really helping me on the 7:30am-9pm days 1) drink green smoothies (spinach + fruits) most other days during week. Then when my work days are more whole grains and proteins I'm not psyching myself out about getting enough greens. 2) I have 2-3 acceptable…
  • I love the nutribullet. It gives me 2-4 cups of greens a day. Lots of sugars from the fruit, but it has really curbed my sweet cravings. And for the calorie exchange it is very good ... something about knowing I had spinach or chard makes me less concerned and harsh on myself for eating more vegetables during the day. And…