tightnup Member


  • sometimes keeping yourself occupied with hot tea helps substitute for snacking :) I say go for it! I LOVE my teas and whenever I'm not hungry, but want something and don't know what.. I make tea! Also, most people confuse hunger and thirst. I say get whatever taste good to you, because you will drink it. I recently bought…
  • this couldnt BE more incorrect. if i ate my OVER my calories from cabbage, and you ate LESS cals from Mc'Donalds - you would lose weight and i would NOT. IN vs OUT. when you start getting into nutritional value (thats when it matters WHAT exactly you are eating) - ...but on the surface, which is what your comment was-…
  • All of these salad ideas are great- but perhaps just changing the topping isnt going to be dramatic enough to feel like a different salad. try changing your base.. either NO base (so no lettuce and just chop up tomatos, cucs, olives, basil) or simply change your greens out. so many different leafy greens out there, butter…