

  • So, while I totally agree with the previous posters in that 1. No need to cycle creatine, although I think most people cycle creatine as they are concerned about possible negative health effects with long term, continuous use. There have been many studies done on creatine and none have found any negative health effects. 2.…
    in Creatine Comment by jdneikirk May 2014
  • Well, not sure I implicitly said that everyone was wrong. I was simply pointing out that, contrary to what some folks were saying with respect to no evidence that when you eat is important, there is evidence that when does matter for some people. As to why it doesn't for you but might for others.... Really, so in your…
  • Oh, I would also add that I have seen this play out first hand. My wife has struggled for years with her weight, trying different methods over the years, some with short term success, but nothing has stuck, so to speak. We have always eaten fairly healthy, mostly lean meats (chicken mainly, pork and minimal beef), lots of…
  • Yes, contrary to what everyone seems to be saying here, there is a growing body of research that does seem to imply that when is an important factor, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), in collaboration with the University of Murcia and Tufts University did a…
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