absolament Member


  • Maybe you should ease into eating fewer calories and make sure they are highly nutritious natural (unprocessed) food. Don't worry about choosing non-fat food. Some fat in your diet will help you feel happier. Are you exercising at least 4 days a week? Helps to make sure you at least get in a good 30 minute brisk walk or…
  • I try to keep mine fairly accurate.
  • Pilates, yoga, ballet conditioning and walking. Building muscle is far more effective than cardio...easier on the body, too.
  • Excellent advice. That's why heart rate monitors that track calories are a great investment.
  • I forgot we were both on the short side. Good to know we see "eye-to-eye". LOL!
  • 35 ... 5'3" ... 128 pounds. I've reached my goal of 130 and am learning about maintenance and possibly dropping just a few more "fat" pounds to reach 125 (if it happens). Feel free to add me.
  • Welcom, Newb. The best thing about this site is the ability to budget your calories. You can stick with recipes/foods that you enjoy. However, if you tend to eat a lot of processed food, get a Weight Watchers cookbook. I have one and it helped me learn to eat more of the nutritious stuff. Also, be sure to read the post for…
    in Newb Comment by absolament June 2011
  • Don't confront them. You don't know what's going on in their minds. So just let them be. In fact, your success might become an incentive for others in your office to consider a healthier lifestyle, too. Congratulations on changing your habits for a healthy mind and body.
  • It's a personal preference. Whatever you burn, be sure to replenish with nutritous food. Your MFP calorie balance should be close to zero at the end of the day. I don't burn many calories when I exercise. I do a little here and there. I think I average about 250 exercise calories a day. My favorite forms of exercise are:…
  • I hope you continued to exercise and eat right after you lost the 20 pounds. Losing the pounds isn't what makes us healthy, it's being healthy that keeps off the pounds. You have to do it everyday. My philosophy is that exercise has to be enjoyable if I'm going to stick with it. And I never deprive myself of food, I simply…
  • I eat my meals at around the same amount of calories per day regardless of when I wake up. Approx. 300 for breakfast, 400 lunch, 500 dinner, and 300 in snacks. I add more to snacks and dinner if I exercise so that I am at a calorie balance close to zero by bedtime. (1500 net calories) Make sure you're getting roughly 7-8…
  • Welcome to the site. I love budgeting my food/exercise. Keeps me on track. I started in Feburary and lost 10 pounds. I'm now in my ideal range. It helps to have several friends who keep their diaries public. It gives ideas for meal choices. You can also learn from successed and failures. Most important: eat your exercise…
    in New here Comment by absolament June 2011
  • I have it and love it. Very affordable and you can input your height, weight, gender, etc. for a good reading. Batteries are replaceable. The only difference between more expensive models is this HRM isn't synced specific to your chest strap. If someone is within 3 feet of you you might pick up their read. And they say…
  • Distilled water doesn't have minerals in it. But her "fad" diet is questionable. The safest way to lose weight is slowly by focusing on proper nutrition and adequate exercise. It helps to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, too.
  • Listen to your body. As you find your balance between eating and excercise, you'll know what to do. If at any time you feel deprived, tired, moody, depressed, etc. then you know you need to make adjustments.
  • While losing weight is a nice goal to have, the main focus should be on eating the right amount of nutritious food for your body and getting enough exercise to keep you muscles strong (including your heart). Also, by exercising you are allowing your body to consume more nutrients (if you eat back your exercise calories…
  • I hope it was a good lunch, because you won't be having that again anytime soon. Have faith in yourself. You can beat your food addiction. Learn to eat less of the good stuff so you're less likely to stuff your face. And never feel obligated to eat the whole thing. I like to save what I can...it means I get to enjoy it…
  • I changed my goals around often without any problems. The only issue I noticed is that your nutritional history changes to reflect your current goal setting.
  • For $70 you can get the NB N4 at Target. It's by New Balance. It's great and you can enter personal data for a pretty accurate reading. All batteries are replaceable, too. Has chest strap and calorie burned settings as well as saves data. Only thing is it is not synced with just your heart rate monitor (watch). So if you…
  • If you are logging in your exercises but sit 8 hours a day at a desk job, then it's probably best to stick with sedentary. Now, if you are always up and moving from here to there at your 8 hour day desk job, then it could be considered lightly active because you aren't logging in those "running from here to there" moments…
  • Stop being scared about going over. The goal is to meet your target calories after exercise. Right now I am eating a bowl of yogurt because I didn't meet my calories. I don't want to lose the strong sleek muscles I've worked so hard to get, so I am eating the calories my body deserves. So if you didn't eat enough at…
  • If I'm hungry before bed time I'll have a small snack. Usually 4 wheat thin crackers and a glass of water hits the spot. Sometimes I'll have a 1/2 cup of warm milk. I try to keep what ever snack I choose under 100 calories and not something that's going to give me much energy (no sugary sweets). I seem to be doing fine.…
  • I saw them at my local garden center... and tasted a small piece of a leaf. It's very yummy. I want to do research on how fast it grow/develops. If it lasts a while each season like mint, I'm going to add it to my yard. But I keep forgetting to do the research. ...May as well do that now. ;c}
  • Yes. You are supposed to eat the extra calories given to you from MFP. I think it's mentioned in the post for new members. I do my best to eat close to the extra calories given to me: While I was losing weight I tried to stay within 100 more or less of my targeted goal after including excercise calories. Now that I'm in…
  • 3 months -- Since Feb. 22, 2011. Started at 138 pounds and lost 10. I'm now at 128.
  • All I have to do is pick up a 40 pound bag of dog food. Amazing!
  • What is your weight loss set to? Looks like you're about 30 pounds to your goal. If I were you, I'd set my weight loss goal to 1 pound or 1-1/2 pounds per week. What ever the recommended calories consumption is after you exercise is what you should strive to consume for the day. Your 2500 is just your body wanting…
  • I sent a request. I should also add that my husband isn't on the healthy eating/exercise band wagon with me. It's not too bad though because I do most of the shopping. ;c} So he's stuck with what I buy and what I make. (I also do most of the cooking.). So, yes, you can take good care of yourself even if your significant…
  • I don't watch my carbs. But I'm not a vegetarian and I do try to eat whole grains more than refined stuff. I don't watch my fats either, but I avoid fried food. I am sure you will do fine with just keeping in line with healthy food in the right amount. You'll need to focus on protien, though, so your body can build up some…