

  • I think a recovery day is important for building muscle, especially if you're working the same groups every day. However, I think the 30 day shred is varied enough (works all muscle groups) that you can probably get by doing it every day. But I am definitely taking a rest day each week -- I like the previous poster's idea…
  • I might give it a go tomorrow as well. It's been awhile since I've done the DVD so it might be nice to do it again once to pick up the moves and pacing. I remember it being killer! Can't wait to start the challenge... would really like to be recognizable as my former, fitter self by the summertime. But as long as I'm…
  • Hi all, So glad you started this! I'm Dee, 40, Canadian... wanting to lose some weight that I put on after a leg injury about a year ago. Currently doing Phase I of the DASH diet (basically no carbs/South Beach style) but will be almost done the first phase by April 1st, so PERFECT! I've got about 30-40lbs to lose,…