

  • Thank you. That photo was taken the last time I felt pretty good, a night out with the girls. I'm way bigger than I was then but I reckon I can get there in the next 12 weeks.
  • Thank you all for being so kind, I expected to get negative comments about my size. It's really inspiring to receive such positive comments. Thank you so much.
  • Yes I'm fairly cynical about Weightloss companies too but I went to my doctor in tears, struggling with my teenage son and she has referred me to a health trainer, she said not for my weight but to deal with my state of mind and make me better able to cope with parenting a teenager. It's all part of the mix, if I'm feeling…
  • Thanks for the good luck, it's going to be design rather than luck though but I know what you mean. Re the frying, I know you can fry on slimming world, you either use fry light spray or count the oil as syns. Your friend needs to speak to their consultant..
  • Well, I was overweight before but then I quit smoking last summer and I've piled on a load more weight. I'm limited to wearing a few outfits as I refuse to buy new clothes the next size up. I loathe the way I look and the fact that I'm so unfit. It's time for a life change.
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