

  • Try watching craigslist or freecycle.com. You can even place ads with both. You can usually find a lot of what you need or want for real cheap (I live off of less than 1,000 a month so understand the finances). Look for a treadmill, ski machine, or rowing machine (tread and rowing can be collapsed to fit under most beds)…
  • As an Army Veteran, I find myself missing the camaraderie and spirit of being in the military. I also miss being able to wear regular pants (instead of a GP SMALL TENT lol). I am now a single father of two wonderful young men and am in the process of moving into a house (verse apartment), here I intend on starting a major…
  • I am still terribly overweight (somewhere between 220 and 230) myself, and am just as terrible at the self introductions lol. I always feel like am trying to boast or brag, or even sell myself. I AM however looking for more friends and support as well, and would love to get to know anyone who wants to get to know me :laugh:
  • I am fairly new here as well and would love to find some male friends (as well as female). I have always "gotten along" better with the females than I have with males and would like to change that if possible. Feel free to add me :-D