shadowweaver06 Member


  • Moros y cristianos are always good in a pinch - I'm sure there's vegetarian versions. :) also pretty much anything involving lentils and potatoes.
  • DOMS is evil - I remember the last really truly awful bout of it I had. I went to a Body Attack class with a friend of mine for the first time back in like... April, I think. (For those of you not familiar with the Les Mills brand classes, it's pretty much what it's name implies - we call it 'crack attack' because you hate…
  • As someone who is still in recovery from a prolonged battle with Anorexia (in my teens) that led to hospitalization, I'm going to mirror the other comments made here. You need to seek medical attention. That "anxiety attack" may not actually have been an anxiety attack, and since you are recovering from an eating disorder,…
  • Olive garden has some "healthier" choices on their menu that are 500 calories or less. So does IHOP. Pretty much everywhere (that isn't a vegetarian or vegan restaurant) will make you a grilled chicken salad if you ask for one (this is my usual workaround when I'm stuck eating somewhere that doesn't list 'healthy'…
  • I know how you feel. I'm 4'9", and have had problems with yo-yo-ing weight due to illness and a crappy metabolism. I currently weigh around 132 lbs, and am aiming for 96 lbs (this is after I gained nearly 20 lbs in a year after a lot of stress and a sedentary job and some poor food choices influenced by a roommate who no…
  • Hey, I'm 25 and from the U.S. Feel free to add. :)
  • "Hey, you'd look fantastic... but you'd look hotter if you dropped 20lbs." - Comment made by a classmate when I was in high-school, when I was actively struggling with anorexia and weighed approximately 90 lbs.