

  • I was in the exact same position 8 months ago then i first started my weight loss journey, but i decided that it was a good thing to at least try. i LOVED it, the people there will not care that you are a guy (or the only guy in my case) and soon after you will forget it too. i spend most of the lessons laughing because i…
  • You say that you are unhappy with your 'bat wings' and saggy stomach skin. but loosing more weight will not help. Skin normally saggs during weight loss because the skin cannot retract at the same rate as your body is loosing inches of fat, this is espically prominent with people who has lost large amounts of body fat. but…
  • Well done! I have recently passed the overweitht mark as well. Only 30 pounds to a healthy BMI Keep up the Amazing work!
  • Calorie burn rate varies from person to person, men generally have a higher rate of calorie burn when doing nothing than women and larger people have a higher rate as well. MFP has a BMR calculator (this is located under tools and then BMR). This tells you how many calories you would burn if you did nothing every day, just…