

  • Hi Helice What is the P90x? Heard a few people mention it but not a clue what it is? Kara
  • Thanks so much for all your responses. It's really helpful that a lot of you are saying the same things... and I know I'm being a little impatient after only 2 weeks! I think when I get something in my head I want to see changes straight away and get really impatient waiting. I did take a before photo when I started all of…
  • Just read all the posts and agree with most of it. Personally, I really struggle cutting out ALL carbs, I find that I end up with insane cravings for sugar and carbs. So I have a rule that the only carbs I eat are for breakfast and only when I've had a workout. So I'll have porridge or museli. The rest of the time I have…
  • Hi I did a kettlebell session last week and it mainly worked my legs and back. It certainly has good results as its a combination of weight and cardio, but I'm not sure if it's slightly too harsh for me personally. Have you tried them? How did you find them? I've heard very good things, but I think you need a class to get…