christinslough Member


  • NOPE! We may pull the covers up and tidy a bit when we get out, but it takes less than 30 seconds and does not involve smoothing or decorative pillows :)
  • Welcome! I have the same problem with demotivation if I don't see results. Something that I did recently helped me jump start my new healthy lifestyle and got me some results quickly which has helped my psyche. To get started I actually did a fruit flush for 3 days (basically you just eat fruit for a few days and drink…
  • I'm not a Nashivillian but welcome anyways :) I used to be very fit and energetic and have definitely regressed to fat and lazy. But, I'm fixing that! Off we go!
  • Thanks for asking this question and thanks to all for the answers! Today is the first day that I will be going over my protein goal and was wondering the exact same thing... Under calories, fat and sodium and over protein... Have a great day and happy healthy eating!
  • I am a fruit gal. You can eat TONS of fruit with few calories and lots of great health benefits. Soft fruit like bananas does not help me feel full so I go for things like apples because the crunch is satisfying. When I am looking for something to snack on because of boredom (watching TV, etc), I like grapes because you…
  • Welcome! I am new too. I'm actually 30 and dieted successfully last year and lost 25lbs! But, since then I gained 10 back... Ugh! Hence logging on to MFP and getting started (again). Honestly, I don't know how to do this without support. My husband can cut out sodas for like a day and lose weight and its sickening. I…
  • I like cheat days, but I only get 1 every two weeks. I know that if I have a treat every day and then don't log/count calories on the weekend I will just maintain my weight that week and not lose. I gain easily, so I have to do a lot to maintain and A WHOLE LOT to lose. For me to lose, I have to be religious every day,…
  • Hi! I've been successful at them in the past. I lost 25 lbs last year and part of that was due to fruit fasts. I find that they are most effective for me when I have been cheating or eating poorly to clear my body. Honestly, whether or not they are medically sound or perfect your body... I haven't a clue. But, I like them,…