staceyanne1220 Member


  • Thank you all for the feedback! I actually ate much more than I'm used to yesterday (practically force fed myself) and I dropped .8 of a pound overnight. I think you get so brain washed that you think not eating is the most effective way to loose weight fast, but apparently not when you are doing extreme cardio. I upped my…
  • I just started on the 12th :) I'll be adding you as well. Need some motivation, and would love to see your updates as well!
  • I kind of just started, I'm heading towards the end of Week 2 :) Saturday is my rest day, and my week starts on Thursday's. :smile:
  • I was concerned about my sugar too, I keep going over also. I found this article that was kind of helpful:, basically states that "As a general guideline, the American Heart Association recommends limited added sugars in your diet to…
  • Great job McKenzie! You look great!!! I am 5'4" as well :) So I agree with Amy, it's awesome to see where I could get too by looking at your results :). Is ChaLEAN as fast paced as TurboFire, or is more along the lines of P90x?