

  • I am 19 and I have the same goals too. Feel free to add me, I am always looking for new friends to encourage and help me me out in this journey.
  • You can add me. Ill try to be as motvationg as possible, Good Luck!
  • Well befriend some of the guys and then see if they will help spot you. Mos tof the time guys are willing to help. I always ask guys to help me and usually they are willing to help.
  • I am going through the same thing. It gets very frusterating. Eating you calories back is not the best thing to do. If you eat a few of your calories back it is ok but try to stay away from doing that. Also take your measurements and see if you are loosing inches. Muscle weighs more than fat so you might be gaining muscle…
  • There is a guy that comes into the gym on Campus. He does the same thing to my friend and me. He will also come into my office where I work and be wierd. I got a few guy friends that work out with me and now he jsut gives them dirty looks. I could understand being stared at if i was dressed proviocitvly but i wear sweats…
  • I have been on here since this summer and I am not able to stick with it. I get discouraged so quickly because I dont have friends on here and my friends are over an hour away. So it has been hard to comunicate with them and stay encouraged. I have tried to add a few people but so far I have not gotten friends on here. I…