jillj333 Member


  • Here's what I do: I stick to it and then I eat anything I want on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. So basically I take those days off entirely and just eat anything I want. Christmas season itself can be a bit tough, but back when I was doing weight watchers, if I wanted a cookie or something, I just made sure to count…
  • Wow you guys, I posted this, ran out to run a couple errands and so many great posts. :) Thank you!!! I need to lose about 30-35 lbs. My mini-goals are always to get below that next # that ends in 0...so if I were 155 (I wish :) my goal would be to just get below 150. I have not been eating the healthiest ever, but I never…
  • I'm In. Not sure if I'll make it the entire 40 miles on my ticker, but I'll sure give it a try. :) If winter here in Minnesota would ever end then I'd probably be a walking maniac...can't stand the cold so am stuck on the treadmill.
  • Sure, I could use some friends on here. :) Just lost 3lbs and need to stay motivated! I love Dr. Who Too. :smile: