The reason that multivitamins are supposed to be taken with food is because they usually upset people's stomachs if taken on an empty stomach. For instance, i've tried taking mine without eating and it makes me dry heave. When you take your vitamin doesn't matter as long as you are eating something along with it so it…
This happens to me all the time, usually by people who talk about how they want to lose weight all the time yet don't make any lifestyle changes. Eventually you just have to learn to stick to your guns. Realistically (and hopefully) that person would have remained your friend if you didn't get something from Mcdonalds,…
I know if i eat too much fiber i get bloated and gassy, maybe thats your problem too?
bump, im interested in this too!
It is seriously HORRIBLE! One spponful and i was turned off to it forever.
How about work your upper body? You could do some puching while seated, do some arm workouts with weights while seated, etc. This way you can still get some activity while not hurting your knee.
I use my heart rate monitor for all exercises and it seems to be accurate! I usually get around 300 calories for an hour of yoga which seems more realistic to me than the 150 that MFP thinks i burned. I also use it for strength training and have had no issues!
I have had this same issue. My personal trainer suggested averaging the 2 numbers, which i have been doing and seems to work well for me!
love this post!
i usually log it is aerobic dance
Im 25, 5'5 and wanting to lose quite a bit of weight (30 pounds at least). Im a music nerd and love reading too! Feel free to add me!
my personal trainer suggested averaging the myfitnesspal calorie burn number with my heart rate moniter number for each exercise, it seems to be working out for me so far!
I would change my rewarding myself with food. There were so many days where i had a stressful day so i would order pizza, get chinese, or drink a bottle of wine (or maybe all 3).
I've had lots of success at 1200 calories! I've been around for awhile but would love more friends!
Im from michigan too! Grand Rapids area :)
i'm 5'5 and 170 pounds and my heart rate monitor says i burned well over 300, which seems more accurate that 100, perhaps its time for a new heart rate monitor, or put it in fitness under "circuit training" to get more accurate calorie counts
i have given up diet coke for 20 days now, i took a sip of one yesterday and gagged, it tasted horrible, sooooo artificial. Now i know its no longer a temptation. It seems clean eating has really changed my tastebuds and fast!
Im 25 and ready to make a lifestyle change and permanently lose this yo-yo weight! Id love some friends to help support me!
I did it last year and lost 30 pounds in about 6 months, then i stopped and gained 25 back in 2 months. Overall, i think you need to make weight loss a lifestyle, and eating protein supplements everyday for the rest of your life does not seem like a lifestyle to me. I also felt like the program cost WAY to much, i easily…