

  • I put on about 5lbs when i'm on so i wouldnt worry! If only men had the same problem!!
  • Usually when you start eating right and exercising your weight goes up a bit because fat starts turning to muscle. After a couple of weeks you should start to see lower numbers on the scales :smile:
  • Hey i'm from Wales and ive been on here for about 7 weeks, it really works and the support is amazing!! Good luck with the marathon, im starting small with the race for life and good luck with the evil calories :devil: hehe
  • Thanks guys :smile: I'm not looking forward to going new jean shopping though, although may be easier when i'm slimmer though hehe :laugh:
  • Thats brilliant, Well done :happy:
  • I simply gave up alcohol, i know being from Oz is gonna be harder they make fosters after all :P but i found that i couldn't go out and just have 1 or 2, i would want to keep up with my friends, meaning that i was still the "fat one" I would have pints, shots anything i could get my hands on so the easiest way for me to…
  • I only started this about 3 weeks ago, and although i have a kind of flu atm i can tell im getting over it quicker than i would of done this time this year.. it's brilliant =]
  • Thanks guys, i shall speak to the others and see which they would like as i would eat them all ( i didnt get overweight looking at food :laugh: ) I shall let you know how it goes :smile:
  • Ooo what a good thread, Im just under 5ft 9 and i need to lose about 5 stone if BMI was correct.. :mad: However Im aiming to lose about 3 to 4 stone because i will never be "skinny" ive been big and heavy boned since i was a kid, i was a bean pole tall and skinny but my mum couldnt pick me up, she could easily pick up one…
  • Welcome, for you to be so willing to share with everyone you seem ready to do this the correct way. Im 21 and in university so i know what you mean about the junk food, stress and late nights etc.. To help with the junk food, i simply threw out all my old rubbish and bought healthier alternatives, i eventually plan to wean…
  • Good Luck :smile: The will to change is always the best start.
  • Thank you, ive already logged what ive eaten so far today and after my revison i will do my exercise dvd for an hour... my wii fit is at home thanks to stupid tv licensing! Good luck to everyone else too :happy:
  • Probably because you're the friend who introduced me!