pawp11 Member


  • Hi. Recent fibro diagnosis, as well as arthritis caused from an accident in 2007. I, too, suffer from migraines as well as trigeminal neuralgia flare ups.
  • I don't wear glasses, but I do occasionally wear black shirts. LOL
  • I found them at GNC. They were even on sale buy 2 get 1. I bought one bar of every flavor they had and am keeping a tally of what I like. So far, I've found they are all okay. (But I have been trying the ones that sound the yummiest to me! LOL) When I figure out what I really like, I will order a box or two!
    in Quest Bars Comment by pawp11 March 2015
  • I had no clue.
  • I agree with this, but I get what you mean about wanting to stick to it. If you really do want to stick to it, my advice is to eat something before you go and drink a lot of water while walking around. Eat your turkey leg, but don't hate yourself if you have something else as well! Oh, and try to log it all so you know how…
  • I have a fridge full of leftovers this week so I am had homemade cream of chicken soup with rice and peas. Odd choice, but yummy and filling!
  • I weigh daily, but only log when it's a lower number whether that's the next day or 10 days from now. That works for me. It might not work for someone else. But I always say, "Don't let the number hurt your soul," meaning don't let it bother you regardless of whether it's up, down or the same. As others have mentioned…
  • I am 39, but had an auto accident at 31 that left me with injuries that resulted in arthritis. The resultant depression also left me gaining weight steadily. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well. And unfortunately, sciatica is my constant companion. I am just getting back to caring about myself following some…
  • Impressive! Thanks for sharing. PS You did way better with spelling and grammar than a lot of native English speakers I know!
  • I am going with the lead by example thing. While I am heavier than my husband, he has more health issues that losing weight would improve. For now, he isn't attempting to lose weight, but the more healthy meals I prepare, the more healthy snacks that are in the house, the more often I exercise, the more often I reach for a…
    in HELP Comment by pawp11 February 2015
  • Right now I am on a roasted veggie kick - broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, squash, whatever strikes my fancy. Of course, chicken, a steak maybe, some ground burger, a dozen eggs. Flavored Greek yogurts were on sale when I went the other day, so I bought a bunch of different flavors! Salad fixings - lettuce,…
  • Giving up soda is soooo hard. I am pretty sure it has to do with the chemicals in them. The "need" will go away. When I did it, I made sure to have plenty of water on hand - chilled and ready to drink so I just had to grab it. If you like teas and coffees, use those. Personally, I am not a tea or coffee drinker. I also…
  • Hi all. I am also looking to lose 100+. I have played with MFP before, but I struggled to let go of all my bad dieting habits. I recently recommitted and am forcing myself to log daily and to aim for a reasonable calorie count. I also have been sick and haven't wanted to eat so getting enough calories has been an issue,…
  • I have lost 32 lbs and have probably 100 to go. My diary is private. If that doesn't bother you, feel free to add me. I know some people are offended by that. If that sort of thing is important to you, well then I wouldn't be a good fit anyway. Either way, best luck to you on your weight loss journey!