ShylasMum Member


  • Hi there... I was just diagnosed with a fatty liver on November 18. I have lost and gained 50 lbs twice in my adult life. I need to lose it and keep it lost this time. I have lost about 9 lbs so far since the diagnosis. I eat mostly lean protein, veggies, and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, etc). I walk at least 2 miles a day.…
  • This line is taken from the Mayo Clinic website: However, any weight loss should be gradual — no more than a few pounds a week — because losing weight too quickly can actually worsen fatty liver disease. Below is a link to the page (you may have to copy and paste to your browser)... I have also seen this mentioned on many…
  • My information is based on what my doctor told me... I would suggest that anyone else seek advice from THEIR doctor as you might have other issues that make your situation different. For example I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, and I am pre-diabetic... however I am not morbidly obese... I am overweight…
  • Speaking for myself, yes I get bloodwork done every 3 to 6 months due to my issues and my thyroid is checked. I was not confirmed with fatty liver disease until after I had bloodwork done which showed the elevated liver enzymes, very high triglycerides, and then went for an ultrasound.
  • I would also like to add that my doctor told me to NOT skip meals and don't go on a crash diet... it makes the condition worse. Slow and steady weight loss eating a healthy balanced meal at every meal and get in some exercise. Thank god for MFP tracking all the nutritional content of the foods we eat... makes it a little…
  • I was just diagnosed Monday with fatty liver disease and was told LOW Fat, low sugar, high protein, high fiber. I have also purchased a book off of Amazon by Dr. Susan Cabot that looks like it will answer a lot of my questions.
  • I was just diagnosed with the same thing this past Monday. My doctor said Low Fat, Low Sugar, High Protein, High Fiber. A lot of fruits have a high sugar content so she told me to stay away from banans, grapes, melons, etc. She said blueberries, cherries, apples are good. I also purchased a book by Dr Susan Cabot that you…