

  • In the perfect world I'd tell you to stop drinking! But we are not perfect! LOL What I have found that helps is limiting my drinking to only one night a week. Also I drink mixed drinks with diet pop, instead of beer. I'm not saying this is the "cure all", but it has helped me! Good luck! :drinker:
    in Alcohol Comment by eener74 June 2011
  • Thank you for being realistic! I like my drinks on the weekend! I'd like to share a margarita substitute. When I was in Cancun 2 years ago they made this for me! It's gold tequilla and Fresca. You can salt the rim if you like and sqeeze a slice of lemon in it. But the nice thing is that the fresca is zero calories!!!!!…
  • I always seem to "gain" after I workout. I personally always weigh-in on the same day of the week and at the same time of day (usually in the morning before I eat breakfast and before I workout). I'm just trying to take out as many variables as possible. I know some people who will always weigh-in with the same clothes on!…
    in HELP Comment by eener74 May 2011