

  • I thought I'd give myself a couple of days off for Easter this week and after a full cooked breakfast, 3 slices of Cheesecake, 2 big bags of Sensations and a whole host of other goodies I shouldn't of eaten I was dreading my weigh-in today. I jumped (not literally) on the scales this morning and to my surprise I've lost…
  • So I weighed myself yesterday and I had lost a further 3lb which was a huge surprise to me considering I'd eaten two pretty big pizzas during the week. I guess all the running I'm doing to get myself fit for a race in August is really paying of in more than one way. Anyway, as of April 1st I weigh in at 188lb and with my…
  • I'll definitely give this one a go too as 10 pounds will take me to the overall goal I set myself when I started using this site :smile: