

  • I was bigger as a kid and most of my teenage life. I typically weighed around 190 until I hit about 16 then it was 180 then at 17 I dropped to 170 and by the time I hit 19 I weighed 150 which I was okay with, it was the first time I had ever been that small I still had some serious body image issues. Well last year in…
  • I just made my account yesterday. I haven't been able to lose weight since January. I'm 22 years old. I live in Northern Louisiana. I had my son last year in November. I was 215 when I had him I dropped to 180 in a month then I got this implant birth control in my arm and I'm back up to 210. Before I had my son I weighed…
  • Well, I just started yesterday and I'm aiming to lose 80 pounds but I'd be just fine losing 60 which would put me right back at my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal at the moment is to get through all 4 dances in the zumba class for beginners I found on you tube tonight. I could only get through 4 and I fell out I couldn't…
  • I'm trying to lose 80 pounds total as well but I'd be fine losing 60 and being back at my pre baby weight. I honestly hate my body now. I was a fat teenager then I lost a bunch of weight now I'm fat again and I hate it :( I've been trying to lose weight for almost a year I start and give up because I'll exercise for a…
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