

  • I started out looking to lose 70 pounds. I started 15 July 2013 and as of today, I have lost 32 pounds. If you would like add me as a friend and I will lose weight with you, encourage you and help you as much as I can as we both lose weight to meet our goals!
  • My Name is Norm and I am here to support people and receive support from people who are attempting to do the same thing and that is lose weight! I enjoy the feed back i get and the tips people provide when I ask questions. So feel free to add me to your "friends" and I will add you to mine!
  • Well I am still not at my ideal weight but I am getting there, i will use some of the suggestions, Thanks for your inputs. I have also starting taking a class that does alot of core work-outs so that should help!
  • Sometimes it just takes longer, each person is different. Hang in there and the results will show! I know, I have been lifting for a long time and finally with some weight loss I have some muscle definition starting to show. So be patient, keep working and soon you will see your hard work pay off!
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