

  • Discipline, discipline...and then more discipline! I'm like you and find it difficult to get up early in the morning. I've found a few things that help though, chief among them to be STRICT about going to bed ON TIME. Sleep is an important part of overall health and losing weight (IMO). If I don't set a regular time to go…
  • I'd say try some group fitness classes if you can get access. With weight training you want to push yourself and it can be easy to lose motivation when you're doing it on your own schedule (i.e. without an instructor yelling at you, lol). One important thing I'd say in general though is take the time to learn proper form.…
  • Depends what your goal is. Personally, I like to weight/strength train all the major muscle groups in one workout, 2-3 times a week. Then on the other days I'll do cardio, alternating. So I might do Monday off, Tuesday pilates megaformer (intense strength training), Wednesday elliptical machine, Thursday aerobics, Friday…
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