

  • I am thinking about ordering this for my sister who has auto-immune disease. @cwsreddy, from my research, the superfoods to eat together are Broccoli, Spirulim and Green Tea Extract...I looked at the ingredients in shakeology (vanilla - i assume the flavors will have same main ingredients) and Shakeology doesnt have the…
  • P90x Rocks! Great job! Did you do Classic or Lean? I am curious...did you follow the Nutrition Guide? My husband and I are doing Classic, we are in Phase II week 4 - Monday will start the Final Phase III. :-)
  • I am glad to have found this message board, I too am having knee pain in my knees joints. Not sure what exactly is causing it. I am doing P90x Classic, usually wear nike shocks and on hardwood floor. What kind of shoes would you recommend? And what kind of knee brace?