kmegow Member


  • Use straps. Ask a trainer how to get started. Basically, you slide your hand through a loop, then wrap the strap around the bar, and hold the end with the bar. The other option is to use hooks, which are attached to a strap. I like the straps. You might also work on some grip-strengthening exercises. Part of the challenge…
  • Shoes are frequently the problem with running injuries, so definitely work on that. But it sounds like your pain could be a hamstring strain. You might want to work with a trainer or PT. Ignoring a hamstring injury can be a big mistake.
  • Hi, I am 51. Sigh. I have run two marathons, the last one being the Boston in 2009, several 1/2's, and many other, shorter distances. Took a new job, more sedentary, and gained weight/got out of shape. Now, I'm back in the swing, considering running a 1/2 next month. Ran 10.2 yesterday, very easy pace. Felt great after. I…