

  • Cinderella, I am actually a member of both. I use myfitnesspal to track my food and fitness because their database is much much much larger! But Sparkpeople is so much more interesting. I love the e-mails, and the app, and all of the fun articles it produces to help everyone at any level. I think dipping your toes in the…
  • Hi!! I too am relatively new and let me start by saying welcome!! My fiance is exactly the same way with desserts and insists on bringing home my favorites, even though he knows I have zero will power. Let me give you my background, I'm 26 and 5'3, i recently weighed in at my all time highest of 263. Last summer I lose 40…
  • I just recently started to admit that I have a food addiction. I swore I could stop eating crap, and even succeeded for 2 days! Then cookie dough reached it's evil little hands into my fridge. And well, here we are. I've tried Overeaters anonymous, and have recently thought of trying Food Addicts Anonymous, but I'm scared…
  • I'm a mix between someone who needs to get out of the house and someone who uses food as a coping mechanism mixed with someone who just generally loves food. Awful mix. Lifestyle changes are something I'm trying to make piece by piece. Hopefully I'll get one or two in to place instead of giving up
  • The meeting I went to was also in a church, but fortunately it was in one of the small rooms behind the church and no one in a priest outfit appeared. That made it a lot less odd for me as I don't believe in any of that stuff. I still plan to attend a few more meetings, just because if anything it gets me out of the house…
  • I recently discovered the Podcasts, I find them to be wonderful. The meeting I attended was quite tiny in comparison to the meetings in podcasts, which may have been the downfall for me. Sugar may be my enemy, but I'm certain I'm not ready to give it up yet lol
  • I had tried just using MFP before and did quite well for almost 8 months, I lost 40 pounds, I felt fantastic. Then for one reason or another, and of course, I can't remember any of them, I just stopped. I started eating, gave up exercise, and just didn't care anymore. I think the meetings give me some kind of... I can't…
  • Do you find that they bring you down? I was a little worried that they might because none of them had very positive stories, mostly how they failed, but being my first meeting I was hoping it wasn't the norm.
  • I completely agree! I never honestly realized how much I eat as a therapy or a celebratory way of doing things. It's scary to think of how food dominates your life! I love food, so much. I just wanna be able to have a "healthy" relationship with it and not want to punch the person with the last piece of cake lol.
  • Rolling my eyes at the god talk isn't an issue. It's not that I don't believe he exists and such, I just don't care either way I guess and I truly believe no one is gonna stop you from eating but yourself, but some support from others going through it is what I think I need. Someone to say they've been there, and their…
  • Nobody? That's a scary thought lol