

  • Are you gaining muscle from workouts and at same time losing fat? Remember muscle weighs more. The only way to know this is to take measurements, it's a pain, but shows better results.
  • I am trying to get over having to stuff myself at every meal. I pretty much walk around all day hungry now as my body relearns how to cope with a normal amount of food... I know I have to stick with it to " shrink" my stomach and i'm eating small frequent meals but yeah I really want to gorge sometimes on something…
  • Absolutely was in the same boat. 1450 calories is very easy to go over. It really isn't a lot of food. I got on the Nutrisystem food plan, you may want to look into it. You don't have to go full boar like I am, but they have AWESOME chocolate bars and snack foods that help you throughout the day with not going over. I'm…
  • Rock... Aint that the truth LOL
  • Hello, I've been going exactly one week on Nutrisystem and this site.... it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I've lost 4 pounds so far and my son and I are going to start running tomorrow. Keep up the tracking and I'm sure you will do great!