Aelyssa1989 Member


  • This might not be a sustainable way to eat, but look up the 4 Hour body by Timothy Ferris. It's a 'Slow carb' diet, not necessarily low carb. you get your carbs from legumes. Worth a read, lots of good information. He mentions in the book that this is a very good way for diabetics and people with blood sugar issues to eat,…
  • I take an ORGANIC multi (Vitamin, Mineral, Phytonutrient). I emphasize organic because vitamins like 'One a Day' and 'Centrum' are all synthetically produced, therefore your body doesn't know what to do with it and excretes it, giving your body 0 benefit. Organic (natural) might cost a bit more, but at least you're not…
  • I'm not a vegetarian, but i'm always looking for ways to up my protein without having to eat meat. Here's what I've found: Quinoa Peanut butter Greek Yogurt Whey Protein Isolate (Isolate is better if you're vegan or lactose intolerant, minimal lactose) Spurulina - this is huge. It's an algae that is 50-70% it's weight in…
  • I'm 5-5 150lb, and my goal is 125. I've always been 130+, so it's going to be exciting seeing if I can reach and maintain 125. Not overly concerned about what the scale says, but more how my clothes fit. Would like to reach a 24-26" jean size.
  • Millenium Place. The pass is cheap and you get 3 other facilities to use if you have it, as well as 6 or 7 different types of drop in classes that are free with the millenium pass. Highly recommend!