Kris0109 Member


  • Luckily I'm 2 hours from the nearest one. Saves me mucho calories. :)
  • I hit Portillo's about twice a year for an italian beef, dipped, cheese, no peppers. It's worth every. freaking. bite.
  • Zumba. So. Much. Zumba. This was at about ~194. I'm 5'10
  • I kept this whole process off Facebook for the first year or so. I still don't have MFP and FB linked, but I've been a lot more willing to discuss things on there since then. I think it was a fear of failure thing.
  • Khaki pants, red tank, black henley t over top. Black wedges, garnet and silver jewelry. Supposed to be super hot here today too!!
  • Zumba. Zumba. Zumba. With the right teacher. I've lost so much off my waist because of Zumba. My teacher really stresses the proper form to get the most out of what we're doing. Merengue march with appropriate waist twisting has done amazing things to my obliques!
  • Once I got my lean body mass, I was able to take that and apply some formulas I found on here. Basically I have 140 lbs of lean mass. Assuming I neither gain nor lose muscle, if I want 140 to be, say 78% of my total weight for 22% bf, I divide 140 by .78 and come up with about 180. Not exact science but a better estimate…
  • Oy. :drinker: That's how you end up in a bar parking lot, splayed over the console of a .... yes. :blushing:
  • Old Navy. Ditto on the mixing of sizes, and their boyshorts have good coverage. I had some discounts and stuff and both pieces ended up being less than $20 total
  • I get this too, especially on my hipbones. It's weird to have to adjust for hipbones and to have my butt hurt if I sit wrong because my actual butt bones are not (as) buried under my copious derriere. Which side do you sleep on? I sleep on my right and it seems like I get a worse bruise there.
  • 5'10, large frame. I'm currently 197 (down from 283), size 10/12 I think my end goal will be my drivers license weight, which I've certainly never weighed, 165. Right now I just want a "healthy" BMI ... 24lbs to go.
  • I'm 5'10 with a size 11 shoe. I can palm a basketball. I'd really like for there to be some explanation for this. I can also wear a size 10 pant/M shirt at 200#. That being said, I used to use my "big bones" as an excuse. I think it exists but many people who say they're big boned are usually no different than the masses.…
  • A damn bridesmaid dress was the whole reason I ended up here 15 months ago. I'd accidentally ordered a dress 1-2 sizes too small and ended up having to have it taken in drastically before the wedding anyway. Don't do anything risky, but you'll feel a lot better about yourself if you feel good that day! Good luck!
  • I'm a total pear, have been doing squats and lunges, usually weighted, twice a week with a trainer in addition to 3 sessions of high-impact cardio for the last 4 weeks. I've gained 10 lbs (mostly water/off now), lost a pants size and have never loved my legs or butt more. Give it time. Also watch your calorie intake.
  • If I were to show skin on here, it'd be the saggy kind. My lower abdomen is doing this incredibly attractive sharpei impersonation. My grandmother had something similar around her neck. :)
  • So a week before senior prom, I broke up with my boyfriend after making a pact with a (super hot, super popular) guy friend that he'd do the same and we'd go together... all arranged via AIM back in the good ol' days. One of our good friend's mom/also a teacher at our school was diagnosed with terminal cancer that spring,…
    in Prom!! Comment by Kris0109 May 2012
  • SW 283 February 17, 2011 (joined a gym; found MFP) LW (also lowest adult weight) 198 April 15, 2012 (and then I started weight training ... sitting at 201 this morning after an instant 10lb water gain) SS: 22, XXL shirts CS: 10s and 12s, M shirts In the last 15 months I've joined a gym, did a 5K, purchased my very first…
  • I CAN'T RUN WITHOUT MUSIC! I'm not sure if it's more that it distracts me or that it gives me a beat to run to. My cardio list goes back and forth between about every song previously mentioned, along with some sexy girl empowered/slutty music like PCD, Monifah and Dev. OH and old school No Doubt, Tragic Kingdom era. And…
  • Met current man candy about 60 lbs into the loss. He was always supportive, complimentary and affectionate. That being said, he got drunk one night and mentioned how OK he was that I was "really squishy", all in the context of how much he missed sleeping next to me (he'd moved 90 minutes away and we see each other much…
  • Ohh sweetie, you're doing great. Your body is just plugging along and since you can't spot reduce, we have to take the fat loss as we go. For me, I used to carry most of my weight in my lower body and the midsection was the first place I'd lose. Now, I'm losing pretty good in my butt and legs but my gut is ridiculous (but…
  • 5'10, 202, mostly 12s, some 10s
  • I guess it's a statement about my life style 15 months into this that my first thoughts were not "ew" but "how the hell would I get thru Zumba on nothing but fruits and or vegetables?" (and the 12-year-old who lives in my head added "... without crapping myself...?"
  • Wiping the drool from my chin and resisting the urge to order Lou Malnati's, shipped overnight.
  • 5'10 202 bust 36 (very small c/big b, but on a wide chest) waist 32 hips 41 I've learned to embrace the booty, especially since it's pretty freakin' perky these days. Look up "frog squats". We do them in Zumba and they are magic. :)
  • Climbing on top and not thinking only about your gut (because there are way better things to think about). :smokin:
  • (lack of) backfat and my booty