

  • :D Congrats on the job marriage and furry children!! I have three old dogs myself (9, 7, and 5yrs) and also got married a year ago (inheriting the precious pooches) I find that taking them for a walk every day has lead to other healthy choices (I was 30lbs over weight) It comes down to choosing to make a salad and take…
  • Thanks for the insight everyone. I do tend to eat a lot of pastas (almost always a wheat whole grain version!) and sometimes it's hard to avoid the carbs from my FAVORITE thing: a red yam. Damn those yams! LOL And being married to a husband that doesnt like brown rice makes it difficult for dinner some times. I don't want…
  • The number that MFP gives you for your daily goal is your BMR (basic metabolic rate) minus a deficiency (say 500 cal for a 1-2lbs a week loss) so if you eat up to the number they give you, you're automatically burning more than you're taking in even if you don't exercise. SOOO if you do exercise and feel hungry, eat back…
  • My husband's rank disqualifies me for MyCAA. i've looked at it all. he's an E6 promotable and the rank for MyCAA stops at E5. Which thoroughly sucks. LOL But I do have his transferrable GI bill and it's looking like it may cover the course (or most of it) through an accredited online course (Penn Foster Schools). But not…
  • I agree that drinking 8-10 8oz glasses a day will help shed the weight. BUT your body is also going through an adjustment. I had a week or two dtall then a 3 or 4 lb drop over 2 weeks then another stall. it really has to do with WHAT KINDS OF FOODS you're consuming as FUEL, not just staying in the calories. Consider the…
  • It's a good start. It also depends on how fast you're walking. As long as it's 3.5-4 mph (brisk pace) where you are breathing hard and breaking a sweat it should def count as good exercise. That's about what I do 3 sometimes 5 days a week because I have dogs, and about one mile the other days. Aside from that you can count…
  • My dad puts just the tiniest bit of real butter in a sautee pan and gently cooks them with garlic, yellow neck squash, hot crushed chili flakes and a big squeeze from a fresh lemon. I think he might put shrimp in their too. But Chanterelles are his favorite and there is a place they grow wild near his house when they are…
  • Maybe he should go to a Dr. to have some blood work done. It sounds to me like he might have a hyperthyroid issue. Your body producing too much hormone will cause you to have a very active metabolism and be go-go-go all the time. It does sound like he should make more of an effort to eat a solid breakfast though.
  • I'm somewhat new to yoga also, (ten years ago I used to do it and pilates) but my sister in law gave me the Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown for my birthday recently. Yesterday was the first time doing it. It felt good but I couldn't do all the reps of everything just because I'm out of shape. But It really works the ENTIRE…
  • I had a 4 day splurge when I had relatives in town. We DRANK and we ate good food! I just had to remember portion size, and not eat until I was stuffed. And I didn't gain but a # or two in water weight from the sodium! You can still make decent choices (like salmon or grilled chicken) but enjoy the occational treat!! and…
  • Have you been to the Dr. recently and had any blood work done? I had the same thing (30 lbs in 6 months) and found that my Thyroid had dropped in the hormone production. i was tired all the time and my skin/hair/nails were dry flaky brittle and unattractive. I was sleeping 11+ hrs a night and still feeling tired. I take a…
  • It sounds like you should be wearing a smaller band size. When I get measured at VS they say I should wear a 38 C !!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me?! HALF of one wouldnt fit in a C. I right now I wear a 36 DD and it's PERFECT although at this point I'm wearing it on the tightest hooks. I have a 34 for when I finished losing…
  • Oh P.S. the Bra is comfy and stays in place all day, not a bunch of tugging and re arranging if you find one in the propper fit. :drinker:
  • Yeah, Victoria's Secret is the ONLY place to find bras for me! I'm a 36 (almost 34) DD and I like the Angel Body! It's got the memory foam padding and makes the girls look amazing!!! LOL It's so worth the $45.
  • Maybe you should see a doctor and have some blood tests done. It sounds like you might have low thyroid or some other issue that is causing you to "not feel full" Maybe it's boredom? You're young so it's good that you feel like wanting to do something about it now. But also think about the psychological aspect of why you…
  • stretch out!!! After your work out you should do a cool down stretch. Lay on your stomach on the floor and totally relax until you can feel everything aligning. then bring your hands up under your shoulders like you're going to do a push up. Pess your upper body up, leaving your pelvis on the floor and breath in deeply and…
  • I had a bulging disk in my lower lumbar for YEARS and chiropractor was the only thing that started the healing for me by working the bulge back in. along with that there is one exercise my physical therapist suggested to me (i do it every day). Lay on your stomach on the floor, arms relaxed at your sides for a few minutes,…
  • GO TO A TAILOR!! Find a good alteration place in your area. Seriously, it might cost you the price of a new pair of jeans, but to have ALL of your stuff fitted. Take everything you like. The person will be able to tell you what is salvageable and what can't be made smaller. you'll still have a lot of good clothes and…
  • For me it's finding tops. i have a large bust (DD) and a narrow ribcage/waist so many shirts make me look thicker and more tube like than I care for. I'm a modest person and don't like wearing low cut skin tight stuff that a teenager would wear, so I find it so hard to find something that I'm not spilling out of to make it…
  • There are lots of websites out there that have healthy cooking tips and recipes, especially for making home made pastas!
  • Congratulations on the new family member!! YOU WILL LOVE IT HERE!!! So many people convert from WW because it's FREE here and you get so much better moral support and education on how to make the healthier choices, lower sodium, "cleaner" foods that will have a huge impact on how you feel, how much energy you have...…
  • My physical therapist suggested to do calf stretches. Find a stair or a curb or a block of wood and stand with just the front half of your foot on it. Lower your heel towards the ground until you feel the tight stretch, counting to 3, then slowly raise all the way up till you're on your tip toes, count to three, then all…
  • I know that MFP automatically "resets" to the next day's diary at midnight for your time zone. I would say to plan ahead what you are going to eat and log it all on one day??? Maybe. Thats rough though, you might have to play with it for a few days and see what works for you.
  • I like their Pecan Bluecheese Chopped Salad!! it's yummy (if you like blue cheese) and recently they added a bunch of new items to the menu. My hubby had their fish with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts and a lemon cream sauce, served with rice and steamed veggies, all for less than 600cal. :) Good luck! Their bread is…
  • It was my mother, not me that had one several years ago. it took her over two weeks before she was able to do much more that get up and walk to the bathroom. :( Although she had prolapse surgury at the same time. I remember her having to hug a pillow every time she sneezed or coughed. They have to make the incision through…
  • Hahah, meeee tooooooo!!!!!!!! I'm so pastey! I've been on it since december, and live in the desert and take my doggies walking every day. And I'm still so white. I heard that it's a common side effect. The dr. warned me that if I exhibit this, to be very careful and cover up! It will do you no good 10years from now to…
  • I have to take Levothyroxin daily as well. I had gained 30lbs in 6 months and was sleeping 12hrs a day before I went to the dr to find out what was wrong! I'm sorry to hear yours is still declining. My steadied after the first few months and I'm waiting on the latest blood tests. I find that the foods that I choose (very…
  • Get acloth measuring tape and have someone measure you. There are any number of good sites that have free calculators for fat %, and MFP has a section to track your inches. This will show a truer accounting of whats going on. That fickle beast that sleeps on the bathroom floor has no regard for your emotions! ;)
  • I think for someone who has more to lose (50+ lbs) it comes off faster right at first than for someone closer to their end goal. It's possible, but not probable. I would go with setting your diary at 2lbs a week if you really feel you need to lose that fast. You may find it too difficult to eat so little, unless you…
  • Hahah, absolutely! Read my signature! :) i have cut back on it since starting for sure, but my hubby and I LOVE nothing more than a good meal and a good bottle! I've recently discovered a very good Pinot from Chile, PKNT Silver (pronounced picante, like the salsa) OH goodness!! So balanced, so flavorful and soo smooth. So…