

  • GOONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for starting this topic! I am also pregnant with my first and thinking long and hard right now about names. It's helpful to see so many suggestions. Some cute, some "what are you thinking" IMO and some with negative associations; you ever meet someone you really didn't like and it ruins the name for you forever? But…
  • BWAAHAHAHAHHAA!!! Bumpin. These are great. :)
  • Just remember that if you buy celery at the store, you should try and buy it ORGANIC!! It's on the list of the "Dirty Dozen", fruits and vegetables that have the highest absorption rate of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. It is in fact, NUMBER 2 on the list. Here's the link: (which also shows the "Clean 15", foods ok…
  • Hahah these are all great! My goddaughter (who is 3) was dancing around the living room, twirling on one foot. I asked her if she was a pretty princess, because she surely danced like one. She runs over and says, "NO!! I not a peesiss, I's the big DADDY DRAGON!! Peesissis get EATEN!!" HAHAHAHHAha I about fell off the…
  • bump! I'm in the same boat so this is good info! Thanks guys!
  • I think that it's not so much that they are "being nicer" BECAUSE you're thinner, it's something to do with the confidence you are projecting that makes them "notice" you now. You could be 125lbs and completely shy or standoffish and people would ignore you the same as you think they did when you were heavier. Your…
  • A question about this then to you ladies who are awesome enough to do it; did it require you having more than a high school diploma to qualify to school your own kids? I can understand it being easier when they are younger to not need certain qualifications but my SIL homeschooled all three of her kids through senior year…
  • My sister had a plate holder years ago that said, "I only drive this because my Broom is broken"
  • No one said it yet... the DREADED BARSTOW! Ft. Irwin Military Base. Blech!!
  • I must say i'm surprised no one has mentioned the best benifite of Chobani! It contains FIVE active live cultures which are beneficial for your digestive system and has so much more protein for the calories/sugar of a fruited cup verse a "normal" yogurt. I can't stand to eat the sugary thin Yoplait any more, and it used to…
  • I agree with everyone saying about keeping the healthy foods available. If it's something he shouldn't be eating (cookies, chips, soda, canned quick meals and such) don't have it in the house. If he refuses to eat what you cook, then let him go hungry. He'll try eating what you set in front of him after a couple of missed…
  • I like to think that eating servings of TRUELY WHOLE GRAINS (i.e. hulled barley, steel cut oats, brown rice, quinoa and rye) are an essential part of any ones diet. They consist of insoluable fibre and other minerals and nutrients that the body needs for proper digestive health. It keeps the intestines creating the "good"…
  • If you're having bloating issues after you eat its probably because you're eating something that your body doesn't agree with. Are you lactose intolerant and eating too much cheese? Can't digest processes/refined wheat (i.e. white breads, white pasta, packaged-prepared foods)? Or eating too many foods that come from a can…
  • I do want to say that for some people vegetarianism/veganism has nothing to do with the need to protect the cows... I was raised by my mother as a vegetarian because we were too poor to afford meat, so out of necessity I remained one. I never developed the craving for meat, and cannot physically digest it now, my body…
  • I myself have not seen it but my mother talked of nothing else for weeks after watching it! She's trying to make the change slowly. I suggested to her try cutting out one thing at a time, like red meats so it's only fish and chicken, then milk and cheese but still eat butter for a while, then lose the rest of dairy…
  • No thanks! But I did cut back to only ONE 10oz cup in the morning. :) I used to be a 3 or 4 cup per day person too. I don't drink soda or anything else that has caffeine in it ever, so now, if I drink even a half cup more than my 1, I feel really sensitive to it! All jittery and high strung. :) Good luck to you though. One…
  • Hello! :) I'm also a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) and have almost lost my 20lbs! It's not hard to do with MFP, and there is lots of good info if you take some time to read back over the older forum posts. Feel free to add me!
  • Also think about the fact that when you feel "hungry" try drinking a tall glass of cold water! and wait for 30 mins and decide if you're still actually hungry. many people don't hydrate enough and think that feeling hungry is what they're feeling, when most cases they're actually THIRSTY!!!! The best thing you can do for…
  • Hi, you should be able to see his if you're friends on here with him AND if he has his settings set to "viewable by friends only" or "viewable by everyone" and NOT "private" so have them check!
  • Yes! You got it. :) So that's why your NET should usually always be at least 1200 a day after exercise, preferably closer to the Green number on your home page, other wise you could be harming your body and organ function in the long run. :)
  • The MFP already figures in a deficit from what your body needs when you're totally at rest for a whole day, i.e. the 2000 cals for example. SO if it says to eat 1300 cals, its telling you that you're eating 500+ LESS than what you would need to JUST maintain. SO by exercising you're burning excess of the already reduced…
  • I'm a veggie head! :) Although Pescetarian mostly (cheese and some egg) Feel free to add me! :)
  • Exactly! If you entered a weigh-in and have lost, your BMI has changed. You'll also notice that the same exercises you did before for the same time will give you many fewer calories burned as you continue to lose! So you have to work harder to get the burn you once did. :)
  • LOL i know the feeling. After a week or so of consuming the recommended water, you'll slow down having to go... your body is flushing all the retained water out and the toxins. it's kinda like having an oil change. It'll quit feeling so often after a week. :)
  • I had this happen to me! I used to love salty potato chips etc. but once I cut back to less than 2000mg a day (the recommended allowance) I found that foods I used to love to eat tasted like nothing but salt! I tried eating a bowl of soup and it didn't even taste like the vegetables it was supposed to. Nor can I eat wheat…
  • I love to turn it into a salad instead! A little bit of lettuce as a bed, then mix the cottage cheese with broccoli, red bell pepper, olives, AVOCADO, some cherry tomatoes and a little garlic powder and cracked pepper. Then put it on the lettuce and enjoy! YUM!!!! Or like others have said, it's really good with crushed…
  • What is your sodium intake? If you're exceeding the 2500 recomendation you could be causing your body to feel like it's parched. OR if you take an anti-histamine or other meds daily, can cause a sensation of drymouth. Examine your daily routine regarding these things and see if anything jumps out at you! And good job for…