Any other homeschooling moms?



  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    We are homeschooling and loving it! I LOVE that I get to be the one that sees my children learn things for the first time. There is no better feeling. My kiddos are 4 and 5 just about to be 6, and we live in the Houston area.
  • luvmybaby333
    The more interesting question is whether anybody homeschools who isn't an evangelical born-again fundamentalist gay-hating Harry-Potter-fearing science-bashing Christian?

    I really need to move to Sweden or New Zealand...

    We are secular homeschoolers. Definitely the minority, at least around here, but there really are a lot more of us than you'd think. My mom was a lesbian... so no gay-bashing around these parts. We also love science *and* Harry Potter. LOL.
  • autumndeann
    my oldest is going to be 5 this year, but i am going to homeschool. i am very excited!
  • luvmybaby333
    For the person who was asking about socialization. That is the least of my worries. Actually it makes me laugh out loud when I hear it. My kids are SO socialized. NOt shy in the least either. They stay plenty socialized between co-op every week, piano lessons, gymnastics, scouts class and friends nearby.

    I feel the same way! We are actually "extra-curricular-light" right now, and I still think my children are just fine in that department. Between our homeschool group, friends, and (ya know) taking them out in public, they are pretty well socialized indeed.
  • cjfogh
    cjfogh Posts: 15 Member
    I just started homeschooling my oldest son 5 last year.
  • AngelicaDulas
    A question about this then to you ladies who are awesome enough to do it; did it require you having more than a high school diploma to qualify to school your own kids? I can understand it being easier when they are younger to not need certain qualifications but my SIL homeschooled all three of her kids through senior year of highschool (aside from co-op learning too) and had to have a 2yr AS and pass a SAT type exam to be able to teach her kids beyond a certain age. Mostly because of math and science. Though that is also Washington State. Thoughts?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Even though we are Christians, my children still know about evolution and they have read and watched Harry Potter as well.
    I'm a former secular homeschooler. My kids aged out of homeschooling (they are 19 and 16). They read Harry Potter and learned about evolution (GASP!) Friend me, if you like.

    I didn't mean to offend anyone with my comments. I have been asked pointedly by Christian home-schoolers at the playground and skating rink if I taught science from a creationist perspective. They sort of treated this as a litmus test of whether I was a true believer. And then there were 'Statements of Faith' to participate in their activities. At the time, I attended church every Sunday and felt Christian enough, but refused to sign a statement when even my own church required no such thing of me.

    I don't judge or feel there's anything wrong with Christian home-schooling groups. It's just that with all the extra tension I felt, I felt more comfortable with the secular group. Now, many years later, I am not a Christian per se, though I do honor its moral code.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    A question about this then to you ladies who are awesome enough to do it; did it require you having more than a high school diploma to qualify to school your own kids? I can understand it being easier when they are younger to not need certain qualifications but my SIL homeschooled all three of her kids through senior year of highschool (aside from co-op learning too) and had to have a 2yr AS and pass a SAT type exam to be able to teach her kids beyond a certain age. Mostly because of math and science. Though that is also Washington State. Thoughts?

    Each state has different laws governing homeschooling (or not). Connecticut law states parents have an obligation to see to the education of their children in 7 - 8 core subjects, including state government as an aside. That's all it says, basically. The state department of education has RECOMMENDED guidelines, but they have no teeth whatsoever. They recommend home-schoolers send their local public school a 'Letter of Intent' to home school, and do an annual 'portfolio review.' I haven't done either, and have never been bothered by them.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm a homeschooling mom. We started homeschooling 19 years ago.
  • Reasie26
    Reasie26 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a 3 year old little girl and plan on home schooling. We have started some semi-structured "school time" which she loves, but I'm not sure how much structure we need just yet. She's super-smart and loves to learn, so I just want to make sure I'm not wasting her potential! Of course, I don't want to stifle that love of learning with too much "work" either!! We keep the structured stuff short and sweet and mostly take advantage of teachable moments throughout the day.

    I, too, am/will be a secular homeschooler. :)