MaryMBacon Member


  • How did you all do the past few weeks. If you made so much as one conscious eating healthy decision around the holidays you deserve a pat on the back. For me, I host, I enjoy hosting and it gives me total control over the food. We always have shrimp cocktail. It's healthy and low cal and a popular appetizer, keeps me from…
  • Christmas is over and what are we doing with the leftovers. There are lots of great and healthy things to do with ham or turkey, but you know what I mean, the cookies, the candies. Why not just, clean them out. You can pack them up and give them away, freeze them in small packages, or even ***gasp*** just toss them.…
  • Feel free to add me as a friend & join my group called real people weight loss. I too tried everything lost it gained it, then I took a coaching course in eating psychology and it really changed my outlook on everything. success doesn't happen overnight but I'm down about 35-40 pounds since taking that course, I didn't…
  • If you don't do both you don't lose weight, but dieting and not losing weight sucks, exercising and not losing weight, I still feel pretty good because exercise is so good for you. Even when not tracking and not dieting, I eat healthy foods I just eat too much and too much in addition to the healthy stuff. When not…
  • I'm going to say exercise, because active and overweight is healthier than lean and sedentary. I like to be different, but really it's true lean and sedentary has higher risk of heart disease than overweight and active.
  • Remember you're doing great, checking into MFP daily, tracking what you eat through the holidays is hard work. You are ahead of the curve. If results aren't where you want them, just ask for help. Just by being here and tracking your food and moving a LITTLE BIT more than you "have to" you're doing awesome. Don't wait 10…
  • My summary is at The full article is Enjoy :) IT's a summary of A lot of original research ~ very thorough and a huge eye opener when you consider how we've been taught to be reasonable. My theme for the new year is…
  • Yo yo dieting actually WON'T kill you ~ researchers found that's actually a myth. However, it is a bummer going up and down, so forgive yourself for the past, and know that it's always safe to try again.
  • wow Plateaus suck!! All I can say they SUCK!! I keep saying in my head "what would you tell a client?" and I'd say if you're eating healthy and exercising be patient, The truth is I've been eating healthy and exercising and for some strange reason not losing and despite all the weight lifting the body fat percent stays the…
  • Read a Great article today in the New England Jounal of Medicine on What works and What doesn't so I'm working on a blog post on that topic. What does work that we knew about ~ Eating breakfast and eating more fruits and veggies What does NOT work ~ and this surprized me ~ setting "reasonable" goals. It kind of makes sense…
  • cool, I'm using Wii fit plus and I seem to get the best workouts on the hula hoop and the obstacle course which is filed under "other" not aerobic but using my heart rate monitor those two get my HR up the highest, I have a calorie booster kit from SAMS club that has a little riser for the step for the step program but…
  • Today is Sunday ~ set yourself up for Success by Planning your meals, Going shopping for lots of low cal portable and healthy snacks ~ at least some of which you can keep handy in your purse to avoid temptation when you're out shopping. Put exercise on your calendar for the upcoming week. Plan to succeed.
  • I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving ~ weather you stayed on track or not just bless and release. It's a new day. Be sure to move your body daily as this helps you feel healthy. Pack a protein bar when you head to the mall and don't go hungry. Eat a sensible meal before heading out to shop and pack a snack in case…
  • My latest blog post what to do when your exercise plan just isn't working out.
  • Can you tell me more about the wii walk it out game, I never heard of it. I use the Wii fit and find the best cardio workout is actually the obstacle course under "other" I have the step raiser and even with that the advanced step is too easy, I use a polar heart rate monitor and I actually burn more calories on the…
  • Great blog post from web MD wonderful "real people" tips to stay on track over the holidays
  • Have you tried herbal teas? You'll want to make sure they're not a medicinal kind of tea since you're trying to get pregnant but one of my favorites is apple cinnamon from celestial seasonings. It has enough flavor I don't need sugar. It's hot so you sip it slowly and it's not caffienated so it won't keep you up or hurt…
  • I had a great day, I went to my spinning class at the gym and since I missed it yesterday I did the whole upper and lower body circuit I usually get so bored I only do one or the other but I knew I had to do both and I did. :smooched:
  • You just reminded me to call my workout buddy ~ I have a friend that really wants to get on track but she hates working out so we make plans to play raquetball, unfortunately our schedules haven't matched up and it was keeping me from working out. Now I go to spin class at 9:30 and if she shows up at 10:30 i get to burn…
  • I wish I could "like" posts lol It's been a crazy week. shelia ~ of course you deserve it and congrats for putting you first. Flowergirl have you considered calorie cycling? The easiest way to do it on MFP is to set the goal to maintain one day and loose 2lbs a week the next day. As long as you track everything weigh and…
  • If they have raquetball there the nice thing is you can smack that ball around by yourself and get a great workout ~ in a little room all by yourself. If not it just pays to remember "this is gym, they're looking at their calories burned and not at me" trust me everyone is zoned out to their music and the display on their…
  • Studies show people who wait until January 1st to start a healthy eating plan gain more weight over the holidays ~ and can never lose it. Don't Wait, set a goal to eat well starting now. Even if your goal is to maintain over the holiday season, set SOME goal and hold yourself accountable. It will pay off. What is your goal…
  • From my latest blog post ~ HOliday survival guide Set a reasonable goal Your holiday goal can be to maintain. If your goal is to lose 2lbs a week you might set your goal to 1/2 pound a week for the holidays. A goal to lose 2lbs per week is fine if you're feeling motivated and confident and don't mind saying "no" a bit more…
  • I would love to see what her house looks like tomorrow if anyone has pictures. she chose to remain anonymous on the internet but rest assured parents will OUT her after they see these letters if she doesn't chicken out. Seriously what a Biotch ~ I have given out pencils, gravestone erasers, little toys and stickers in the…
  • the other day I was feeling so frustrated, I had a perfect day, well under my calorie goal, and it said tome "if every day was like today, you'd still have a ways to go in 5 weeks" well not exactly like that but that's how I felt. If you feel frustrated all you have to do is enter something high calorie (don't eat it just…
  • It's one thing to post this kind of "rant" on your facebook and let neighbor friends see it, accusing no one in particular and expressing how you feel and your concern, what she is doing is downright mean. these kids will see a letter in their bag and no doubt read it before their parents. this is Halloween, it's supposed…
  • Did you make that chart yourself or is that a feature MFP offers that I haven't found yet?
  • Staying motivated is not always very easy. Some days the scale can be downright mean-spirited. Some days we just have a craving for a trigger food and some days we're just not feeling it. But living healthy and losing weight is a marathon not a sprint, it's a slow-cooker process not a microwave. It's so easy to get into a…
  • I would love more friends too :)
  • The identity that you hold yourself has so much impact on how you behave. It's so important to hold a positive identity. As an example when I hear people say "I can't believe I was so stupid" I always want to correct them to say "I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake" You see the difference between "being stupid" or…