nur_spass Member


  • Awesome! I'm struggling with my squats - they are falling so far behind now!
  • I used to be a 30HH (UK size) and even when I lost weight my bra size didn't change. I was just one of the unlucky (or lucky - depending on how you look at it!) ones who never lost weight from their bust. I think it depends on the person because for some people I know it is the first place they lose weight from. However, I…
  • Everyone looks fantastic and is doing so well! This is what six months of lifting, circuits classes and pole fitness has done for me. I still have a way to go - I want to get much stronger! Sometimes I get a bit disheartened but then I look at this and see how far I have come :)
  • i'd be inclined to find someone else to help you with lifting. There are Stronglifts videos that you can watch to help with squat form, but I don't think I could have done it without help. Maybe have a search online for someone new or ask your gym if they know anyone? I was lucky in that my trainer trains at my gym and he…
  • This is the first time I have posted here - I really never thought I'd ever be able to post a comparison photo! I have been weight training since November. My progress has been quite slow because I spent months making sure my form was right with a trainer. I really want to do Stronglifts 5x5 as I think I would see better…