aprilxlee Member


  • I've definitely been there! I have been battling with binge/emotional eating for the past three years and have lost my athletic body because of it. I knew I had to make a change when I wouldn't even wear a bathing suit in front of my own family. For me, what's helped... I'm not a good cook. It's hard for me and takes a lot…
  • I quit drinking altogether. I know for some people this seems extreme and I know others really do enjoy drinking. But it was doing nothing for me. I found I could dress up, go out and still have the same amount of fun, wake up in the AM without a hangover & without any food regrets :) before I quit, though, I used to put…
  • Today I'm grateful for my family, who has supported me through all the up's & down's, even when I wasn't always there for them. I am thankful for my dog, who is a rescue dog and continually teaches me the meaning of love every day. I am thankful that I even have the ability to exercise and to eat healthy. I am thankful for…