asdfrr Member


  • It isn't how fast you lose the weight, it is how long you keep it off. Slow and steady is the way to treat it like a lifestyle not a diet. Great job!
    in Hello all! Comment by asdfrr May 2014
  • cekennon= that is huge accomplishment to not talk down to yourself!! Don't take that lightly. If we all could get that part down, I think the rest would come easier. I know my bad days start with, "I'll never get there, might as well have that candy bar"/ "I don't cook like her, might as well make that unhealthy dinner,…
  • thanks, I am just glade to be here with some Christian support. Some of these other forums just cross way too many lines for my lifestyle.
  • My " Quit messing around and get serious Day 2" Been reading "Made to Crave" (Amazing! ) Her suggestion is to pray when you crave. Going into my day, knowing there will be ALOT of praying!!! Gona give Him the glory when I make it through the day. Great job on your Day 3! Here we go!