Right. Cheat day of careless eating is silly and can erase much of good stuff done during the week. 1, max 2 cheat meals per week are enough. And don't go completely overboard during those meals.
For pure speed and leg strenght, do some HIIT sprinting, you can also include frog jumps in the intervals. It will also help your running endurance to some degree.
Put some coconut oil (non refined) into the frying pan. Fry (caramelize) big pieces of carrot, onion and perhaps some other veggies of your choosing, even some sliced chili peppers if you like it hot. Add dash of salt, and a lot of curry powder. End result is very tasty and relatively healthy, especially because of the…
I do the same :)
For starters eliminate all sodas and start drinking only water and some tea, and plenty of it. Your organism will do the rest.
3 months of proper eating and regular exercise... From this: To this (-13kg): Still some work to do...
Beautiful face, somewhat like an elf :)
Sensual look
Drink plenty of water. And maybe some non-sweetened green tea.
Right. I often see people writing about HIIT and how their high intensity interval is 1-2 minutes. With real HIIT they should not be able to do the max intensity for more than 20-30 seconds. I find it difficult to sprint with max speed for more than 15-20 seconds. I can make 30+ seconds with slightly slower running speed…
Keep in mind - if you can do more than 20-30 seconds of high intensity activity, that means that it is not actually HIIT. As for other simple but intensive exercises to replace running, I found that doing 100 burpees in as short period as possible is very simple and effective. Also jumping rope in maximum speed. After 10…
Well done! You look very hot now, I am sure your husband is not complaining :)
Always naked, immediately in the morning and after taking a dump :laugh:
Are you sure this is HIIT? It seems like interval training to me... AFAIK sprinting phase should be "all out" effort in order to qualify the training as HIIT, and you should not be physically able to do more than 10-20, perhaps max 30 seconds of such intensive sprinting.
Try jumping rope, it can be very difficult and intensive.
Sexy tattoo and blonde hair
Very sexy face, those eyes are something special
Burpees are no.1 for me Love and hate them at the same time :happy:
Mildly speaking :))) I used tabata 20-10 principle and managed to last only 75 burpees / 7:30min, then my legs simply refused to cooperate further. Probably because of rope before, it was my first exercise with rope. Finished the last 25 after small break... My goal is 100 burpees in 10 minutes (proper ones with pushup and…
10 minutes skipping rope 100 burpees I would say it is enough for one workout :)
I have told a few people... That way I am more motivated. It would be shameful to give up when they know about it :)
Caloric value is probably similar. However honey has many health benefits which should not be ignored. Be careful though - honey loses good properties in hot beverages over 40 degree celsius. Similar is valid for lemon juice. So honey+lemon in hot tea is not much better than regular sugar. Few times per week I make liter…
I don't know but ask Jen Selter (google her :D)
Most people don't know how to run properly. Also if someone has 50-100+ extra pounds, then he/she is putting a lot more stress on joints with each step. Running with normal weight is not the same as running with extra weight. Majority overweight people will probably be ok with running, but for some of them it can lead to…
Maybe you should first focus on different cardio exercises like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, low and high skip, squat jumps and burpees which are of higher intensity but shorter duration. If you feel any pain and discomfort (more than normal muscle pain as result of intensive exercise for unfit person) then you should…
Or if hiking...
Once upon a time I have channeled bad breakup energy into studying for college, hoping to avoid thinking about her. It worked brilliantly and with studying all day long I resolved 5-6 exams in 1 month :D If it happens again, I am sure that I could use the breakup as help to focus upon improving myself physically.
Try this
Let's say that in best case you will manage lose 1kg or more temporarily in 1 week. What will you gain with it? What will be the difference for you during this weekend with 1-2 kg more or less? :huh: