

  • Congratulations & well done!!! I too had approx 4 stone to lose. I am nearly 2 mths in & already just over a stone lighter. I can't believe how easy it is :happy: At least you are inspiring us that it is achievable.... Are you still using DC as maintenance and, if so, how does that work? How many calories can you have a…
  • Hi jellyit :happy: Glad to help & I really like them. Let us know if you have any handy hints & tips :bigsmile:
  • I'm glad you found them :happy: I seem to be losing 2lbs per week but had one week with nothing then 3lb the next week! We are all different and have ups and downs. Keep with it but if you still have no loss maybe contact DC on their live help & ask for some advice? Maybe you' re eating too much or even not enough!? Good…
  • Hiya, Im glad to hear that you havent crossed anything off yet. I got the rice in the frozen section of tesco - they are in a purplish bag & are 4 packs in a bag. They are tesco own brand. How much weight have you lost so far on DC??
  • I know what you mean about the hunger pangs, although I do know when it's dinner time lol. I would advise anybody starting out to use MyFitnessPal but it looks like you've already found that out :tongue: this is a great tool for logging your daily calorie intake, especially with the barcode scanner. My best "find" is…
  • Hi GenFo I'm out here :happy: I have found that this forum and the one of DC are really, really quiet!!! I think it is shame as I think there are a lot of us DC'ers out there. I have just received my 2nd delivery so am happy to let you know how I have got on if you have any questions??? Good luck :bigsmile: and let me know…