

  • Oooh! Something I made last night: Black beans, fresh spinach and a little drizzle of ranch. It sounds so simple, but man oh man, I'm going to go make more and bring it for lunch. I'm craving it! Also, you could make a really good bean salad. At work we make one with lentil beans, black beans, kidney beans and green beans…
  • Also, its best to avoid the scale altogether. It could be trigger. Instead, focus on how you're feeling and respond accordingly
  • For a few days - yes. But do not fear; I know from personal experience, most of it will just be bloat and water weight, especially if you've binged on a lot of sugar and carbs. But its okay! Don't restrict your intake, that just puts you in the binge / restrict cycle (which sucks) don't do any crazy workouts, and the…
  • Ive been a Vegetarian for about 8 years, and I go on spurts of Veganism :)