

  • Probably not the wisest thing to go under 1200 and save for the week...you'll end up feeling like crap. I would drink in moderation just to avoid those huge calories..and there is always bud select 55! Its not the best, but I've learned to like it :)
  • ^^^^ That's awesome. We have it...I've used the "lean" while my husband has done classic and doubles. Its an amazing program!
    in P90X? Comment by Xave1911 March 2011
  • Well, just finished my recovery week. And I am PUMPED for the official beginning of month two. oh and im a new guy so add me. Xavier- independent BeachBody coach www.coachextreme.com
  • I've done a few Jillian Michaels, I used to swear by 30 day shred...but then came beachbody:) Now its TurboFire & Insanity and I agree w/ above I do love p90x!!!