

  • I'm vegetarian and I avoid dairy and I'm gluten free. I'm not strict about any of it except the vegetarian part, because sometimes some dairy will sneak in. I'm not sensitive to gluten but I think I might have Hashimoto's and have read that it's best to stay away. I've been vegetarian for a few years and went gluten free…
  • My protein shakes are protein powders. I use Garden of Life Raw Protein (17g protein at 90 calories) and Rockin' Wellness and add unsweetened almond milk, ice, and water. I usually drink them after a green smoothie. Today, however, I skipped the green smoothie and for breakfast I had a protein shake that was: Garden Of…
  • I don't eat any type of meat (fowl, beef, pork, seafood..) and but I do eat eggs. Sometimes too many. I don't eat much dairy bc it doesn't agree w/ me. Sometimes I eat a little goat cheese but that's it. Same w/ whey or casein, I can't stomach it. Which is why my protein shakes are vegan based. And I like them. I just…
  • I'm just following what MFP told me. I'm thinking WAY back to when I was following Jorge Cruise and doing weights and I was down to 105lbs. I was in the best shape but then got into a car accident...and I never completed the program. And pretty much did nothing for years. Also, I don't know how to increase protein. I…
  • Me TOO! I work out JUST so I can eat my calories back but then I still go over somedays. I went 380 over yesterday and I didn't eat any candy. I eat pretty clean. Vegetarian. but I'm just wondering if I am counting my calories (intake and export) right? How do you know how much you really burn???