

  • Hi :) i really hope you dont mind me joining your group, im a 19 year old mummy to a 22 month old girl and i want to get fit for my princess :)
  • Hi :) im 19 with an almost 2 year old girl. Even though i was never healthy about my eating i somehow managed to stay the same weight (around 75kgs) but somehow over the past few months i have put on 10kg and feel horrible about myself too. I really want to get myself fot for my daughter and i have no friends on here as i…
  • Hi im 19 and i am the same but since moving back at home with my mother i have put on a lot of weight and become a bit unhealthy :/ i have a 2 year old little girl and i want to become fit for her and to feel more confident in myself. I will be a support person for you if you like? I only just started this app today so i…