

  • :) looks like you've got a good start - I have to agree with the previous poster - get away from the machines - it's much better and effective if you learn to do the real thing - and don't worry - it's all awkward until it isn't!
  • this. I grew up overweight, married overweight - dabbled with weight loss over the years, but didn't want to live the rest of my life compromising on things. The strain added stress to already existing issues. But it wasn't because we never loved each other. He is 10+ years older than me and set in his ways about how he…
  • MelRC - he didn't have to change. I'd adapted to his lifestyle long ago not knowing much different, 20 years later I realized that it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to see the world, experience places, live outside the internet, go to school, etc. We parted on great terms - realizing we just had different ambitions going…
  • wow - judgement much? It does in fact affect your relationship - good, bad, or ugly. even if you stay - there are effects that cause ripples good and bad. For some of us, the now ex-spouse had no desire to change, and was content to live as HE was, while I was not.
  • BMI's are based on an "approximate" estimation of the "normal" person's build. If you take into consideration that our generation is taller and wider than our ancestors you can see why the disproportionate problem exists. That being said - I know several 6'4 men who weigh around 220 and 230 and none of them are sticks and…
  • I suppose it depends on your mode - if this is a diet, and only a temporary way of eating i suppose not tracking food is fine. If it's your forever, and you track as a means of responsibility and you don't want to undo the losses you have already achieved, even if it means simply tracking on paper daily - I'd still track…
  • Not a WW follower, but wanted to welcome you and let you know to add me as a friend if you want!! :)
  • I know this sounds crazy - but is it cold where you're walking? i get something similar if it's cold outside, or if I start too quickly. Since I prefer shorts or capri workout pants my legs are exposed to the cool air. I found that if I wear leggings it helps - OR if I use compression socks as a way to cover my lower legs…
  • You can always add me!! :)
  • I went back to the site and configured to change the distance?
  • me!!! :) In fact last night I went to the gym and just went for a while to see how long I could go without watching the time like a hawk! I was surprised to travel further than I thought!!! :)
  • I'm 5'8 age: 42 SW: 308, CW; 286, GW: 170 calories per day: roughly 1400-1550 I'm working on losing weight -
  • I'm in for April! Have slowly been getting my walking/running (read: Very slow runner) increased and am ready to push myself in April!
  • :) Good for you for taking charge! Welcome
  • Okay, probably silly since I'm already 40 something....but I have a sticker chart. For me, it's a huge thing to evaluate my day before bed and realize I "earned" my sticker. For every 10 days of consecutive stickers - I give myself $5 into my insanity jar......which I can use whenever I want. Right now I'm saving up for…
  • I gave up shame for Lent this year! I'm in the same boat with 120 pounds to lose!! Would love to add you to my friends! We can do this!
  • :) Hi! I have no advice since i'm just starting a similar journey myself. Just wanted to say yeah for taking the first step and feel free to add me if you need pals to cheer you on during the journey!! :) I am looking at 120 pounds over the next year and have decided to do it with food (normal food) and exercise. I've…
  • You can do it - Stop looking at it as 100 pounds, and break it down into smaller chunks. I look at 20 pounds chunks at a time, it helps to not get overwhelmed that way. Sounds like with your update that you have a plus to get you started, but a word of warning with the protein shakes - it is important to remember to eat…