
  • Today I am feeling very discouraged. I have been doing good with my diet, tracking and exercise for the last month. I even upped my step goal from 10,000 to 13,000 steps a day because I was averaging 14,000 but I weighed myself last night and have not lost a pound. My trainer says he sees me slimming down and thinks I am…
  • I just want to say that I love reading all your comments and stories. They are always very inspiring & motivating. I also feel like i'm not the only one struggling. So thank you all! I am having a good week so far step wise! Monday logged 14,000 and Tuesday was over 15,000. I am also working with a trainer and even though…
  • Hi all, I started a new 15 day challenge this week, so hopefully I will see some results. I tend to do very well during the week but once the weekend comes around I break... Do any of you have this same issue? What do you do to help? I lose 2lbs. during the week to gain 3 on the weekend.. lol
  • Hi all, I hope you are having a wonderful Friday! I am working with a personal trainer, lifting weights 2 days a week and doing conditioning 1 day a week. Does anyone know how I would track this on MFP? I am not currently tracking it in my exercise because I don't want to over calcutate. I hope has a fun, healthy & fit…
  • @karina0679 finding something that you feel you can maintain is very important. I have been trying to learn a different way to cook/eat. Eating/cooking clean has taught me a healthy way to cook some of my favorite foods and not feel guilty. It has also opened my eyes and taste buds to so many yummy veggies.
  • Hi, thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey and challenges. Hopefully we can help each other through the struggles and cheer each other on through the victories :smile: @kgslim17 @Rachel0778 I find that when I don't see a scale victory it helps to look for non scale wins, like trying on…
  • Hi all, my name is Judy and I have been struggling with my weight for the last 13 years. I have tried several different ways to lose weight but only managed to yo-yo. About 4 years ago I joined weight watchers and did great. I lost 40 lbs and was feeling great! Friends and family started saying " you look great, you don't…
  • Yup! this is my 2nd try or 3rd maybe 4th??? sorry lost track. I lost about 40 lbs. a couple of years ago with WW but once I reached my goal, I went back to my old unhealthy eating habits and gained it all back. So now here I am again trying to get healthy again. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can figure this thing…