I feel like this is the most difficult issue in the world to fix, like I would have much rather been slightly overweight with more muscle because that would've been a lot easier :(
@psulemon -- Ugh, I HATE those terms "bulk" and "cut". I just feel like those are meant for bodybuilders, which I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder, or even majorly obsessive or athletic or anything. At the end of the day I'd like to ultimately have my bf% rest at 20-21% with some lean muscle, but not look "ripped" or…
@mouse_potato I mean, it's not a high bf% in general at all, but for my weight it is! Like at a 15.8 BMI you wouldn't expect my bf% to be that, which concerns me that it will shoot up even higher once I gain. Plus, I have absolutely no lean muscle, and I have a VERY small frame, so too much fat for my body type can…