

  • hey chiclosgurl08 it's not hard to loose it, don't say that, coz I kept saying that too, after I had my son and I thought this weight is not going to go away if I keep saying to myself "it's hard, i'm never going to lose weight" and then eat a whole packet of tim tams to drown my sorrows, coz trust me I've done that lol..…
    in Hey ladies! Comment by FT03 October 2013
  • I've never had to have a C-section but I've had many of my friends go thru the same boat. and hey they can do it, you can too So good luck and reach high for that goal girl @fairyT83 ;) look forward to reading your updates
    in Hey ladies! Comment by FT03 October 2013
  • I hope to lose 23kgs, after having my son 10 months ago I was weighing in at 93kg :( my goal is go back to what I was originally 70kg healthy and fit :)
    in goals Comment by FT03 October 2013
  • Heya to all the mothers, I am 31 and I just had a baby 9 months ago, so I'm slowly getting back into healthy eating and fitness training too. I had my daughter in 05 and took me at least a year to lose all the weight i had gained after having her, and I did well was so happy with the family support, I had kept it off for 7…
    in Hey ladies! Comment by FT03 October 2013
  • Well done :wink: Keep up the good work, slow progress is good progress it doesn't happen overnight but it will happen! I hope to be heading into the direction your heading, Just had my son 9 months ago and started to get back into healthy eating and fitness round july/aug, but I felt it was going nowhere because I was…