Could be your technique. Try going slow with little resistance and work your way up. Keeping it at a comfortable pace at first will help you establish some muscle memory before tacking more resistance or speed.
Yes, I get a really good workout on the elliptical. I'll go for 25 minutes and burn over 350 calories.
The elliptical is a good place to start because you can adjust the resistance and how hard you work at it. Five minutes is a start and you may want to decrease the resistance until you can go longer. Listening to music or watching TV can take your mind off the workout and prolong your time. Good luck with it.
The P90X2 training program is good for the home. There are some training devices to buy but it's not like the heavy stuff like a treadmill or elliptical. It uses the science of muscle integration and you train by keeping your balance.
There is truth in the fact that there are a lot of crazy diets out there that complicate things when it's simply a matter of taking in less calories than expended. However we can't hide the fact that some of us need additional help and that's what those diets are trying to address. But we shouldn't have to sacrifice our…
Supplements aren't really needed if you keep a balanced diet. Since you're trying to build muscle, make sure you get protein in your diet. Muscle building takes place during your rest days. When you lift weights, you are essentially tearing muscle tissue. During the healing process on the rest days, your body will repair…
Actually what you eat does make a difference especially if you're in a caloric deficit situation. Some foods can actually help you burn off fat quicker.
Good point about diet. For sure there are ways to lose weight depending on what you eat. Certain foods like cruciferous vegetables can help burn off fat.