macnlace05 Member


  • I'm 5'7" 31 years old Post Baby SW: 194 CW: 170 GW: 145ish I am set at 1430 calories per day on rest days, but on run days, I can burn up to 1,000 calories. I do my best NOT to eat many of those calories back because it is too easy for me to justify eating ALL of them back! I try to run at least 4 days a week, with a long…
  • 3/10: 4.15 3/11: 1.45 - pre workout warmup run 3/12: 3.42 3/15: 4.01 3/19: 4.04 - sprints at the track (sprint straights, recover on curves) 3/22: 5.05 - pushing kids in stroller 3/24: 3.00 3/25: 2.40 - pre and post workout runs 3/29: 6.02 3/31: 5.00 Woohoo! Met my goal!!
  • 3/10: 4.15 3/11: 1.45 - pre workout warmup run 3/12: 3.42 3/15: 4.01 3/19: 4.04 - sprints at the track (sprint straights, recover on curves) 3/22: 5.05 - pushing kids in stroller 3/24: 3.00 3/25: 2.40 - pre and post workout runs
  • I'm new to this challenge, but I figure it will be a great motivator for me. No specific training goals in mind until mid-April, when I start training for a half marathon. Right now, I'm just trying to get back to my normal pace, I took time off in Jan/Feb for an inflammed hip tendon. I also had wrist surgery on 2/27, so…
  • Mmmmmm, bacon! :) I think I will go with the cooler for eggs and veggie snacks. We are in the South, so we will probably need the a/c more than the heat. Thank you guys for all your suggestions, they have been very helpful!!
  • Redheadmommy, yes, I was just looking for different snack/meal ideas for the road. I have a refrigerator at work, so I don't normally pack a cooler, but that may work for eggs and a premade salad or chicken. My parents house is a whole 'nother story, lol! They are definitely not paleo, so finding substitutes at their house…
  • Jeff, I try not to eat dairy and I also limit fruit to a couple of servings a week. I'm finishing up training for a 10k on Saturday and we are traveling Thursday, so I don't want to do dairy and have my tummy all upset for the race. Other than that, I try to keep the nuts to a minimum right now because I still have about…