

  • It's amazing what you can find on the internet.....gonna give this one a try!
  • The thought of thick choco milk after a hard workout makes me feel phlemy! :) I will do some research on this online and let you all know if I find any good ones!
  • Pam, I LOVE your signature at the end of your posts....."demonseed daughters" LOL gave me a chuckle!
  • Really wanted to skip and stay in bed this morning...but we have decided to take a trip to Mexico in 2 months and I really wanna look good in that bikini!!! So I got my *kitten* outta bed and did Arms and Shoulders! BURN BURN BURN!!! Abs tonight! Eating clean and healthy all day! Get in my water! GO GO GO! How is everyone…
  • Question: MY BODY IS SCREAMIN! I am sore on every part of my body! LOL It feels good though and I 'spose it's working if I am thins sore! I am loving P90X. I am having trouble on my pushups. I have good form but have to do them on my knees and can not get my chest that low. So I guess my question is...Should I go really…
  • I LOVE p90x! It is intense and some of the moves are too much for me but I do as many as I can and some i have to tweak for my own version. I am constantly sore and I love it! Helps remind me to eat healthy through out my day! Good Luck to you too! Corbey
  • MegKat: I would agree you don't want to burn out and get your self sick. Maybe try some extra immune booster vitamins and get some extra sleep? I wouldn't skip the workout though. In the past when I have decided to take it easy on long work days I would get too out of sync and would go down hill from there....Just my…
  • I too started P90X today. Started with Chest and back. Those pull ups (did with bands) really kicked my butt! As did the push ups but mostly because my wrist was giving out. I will try it on my dumbells, like Tony suggests tomorrow. The nutrition part is pretty confusing but this webstie should help me stay where I…