

  • I typically don't eat a big dinner, but I've started eating after I work out (I work out at night usually) with really good results (energy and just feeling better, and not starving in the morning!). So this is what I have and it's only 225 cals! I'm usually pretty satiated after, and I'm definitely a snacker: 1/2 bottle…
  • Same boat! I take 6000 IU of Vitamin D on workday mornings, and I feel I started taking them on the weekends too. I'm pretty sure it's doing something (even if it's a placebo effect, I could care less!). I also MAKE myself go to yoga too and what a difference that makes. I feel like I've taken a pain pill…
  • No, I struggled and struggled and struggled, glad I'm not the only one! I USED to be great at it...but eventually I was diagnosed with MS, so that explained it. SO! Either get a brain scan, or keep trying girl!!! Any improvement, no matter how small, is an improvement. You can do it!